Bud Weisner's Magnum 27, Magnum 28, and Magnum 30

Bud Weisner’s Magnum 27, Magnum 28, and Magnum 30

Check out Bud Weisner’s testimonial about his Magnum 27, Magnum 28 and Magnum 30! I am the proud owner of the one-of-a-kind Magnum 29’9’’ Thumper Too, originally owned by Jim Arlington from 1973 to 1976. Thumper Too was sold to Vaughn Szarka and renamed Head Hunter. He raced it from 1976 to 1978 and was crowned APBA US Champion Class…

Magnum 60 Interview with Philippe Levine

Magnum 60 Interview with Philippe Levine

Aired on the Discovery Channel in 2005, Magnum Marine’s interview with Philippe Levine shows that even though he has been successful in the luxurious cruise ship industry, he still has the need for speed. When buying a speedboat, he wanted the best of both worlds when it came to speed and luxury.